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This section of the Nutrico website contains information about Infant Formulas.
When it comes to the nutrition of a baby, breastfeeding is the best option. Breastfeeding provides the ideal balanced diet and protection against illness. A mother’s diet should contain sufficient key nutrients. Guidance can be provided by a professional on diet and the preparation for breastfeeding. Infant formula is intended as a replacement to breast-milk when a mother does not breastfeed. Deciding not to breast-feed could reduce the supply of breast-milk. Once breast-milk is reduced, it can be difficult to re-establish. Infant formula should be prepared and used only as directed. Incorrect use of infant formula can present a health hazard, an example can be: use of unboiled water, unboiled bottles or incorrect dilution. Please consider social and financial implications, such as the cost of providing formula until 12 months of age.
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