Nutrico milk contains the same quantity of lactose that is found in conventional cows’ milk. The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommends that up to 250mL cows’ milk may be well tolerated by lactose intolerant individuals. This volume may be better tolerated when consumed with other foods and spread over the day.
People with lactose intolerance often avoid cows’ milk and other dairy products, however research has shown that lactose intolerant individuals can usually tolerate up to 12-15g of lactose per day, which is equivalent to 250ml cows’ milk. The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommends that this amount of cows’ milk may be well tolerated by lactose intolerant individuals when consumed with other foods and spread over the day.
Each person with lactose intolerance will have their own level of tolerance. For those wishing to consume a larger daily volume of cows’ milk, this should be guided by tolerance, or a lactase enzyme supplement may be taken to assist with a larger volume to be tolerated.
Currently, we are operating from our online store in Australia with a few outlets in local pharmacies.
Our products are Australian made from natural milk, permeate and additive free, with the latest technology to ween any unnecessary calories from the formula, leaving the vital qualities best for your child’s needs.
We fully understand and support that breastfeeding is the best method of feeding for your child but cases where breastfeeding is not an option, Nutrico is the substitute to choose.
Nutrico products are completely natural with a Whey protein dominant formula to avoid the unnecessary calories whilst providing your child with the essential nutrients.